Annual National Shrimp Festival

The City of Gulf Shores would like to make all residents and visitors aware of the following road closures related to the Annual National Shrimp Festival.
Monday, October 10
Gulf Place closed to all vehicular traffic.
Tuesday, October 11
4:00 a.m. – Traffic is closed to public on Hwy 182 between W. 2nd Street & E. 1st Street; Traffic is closed to public on Hwy 59, south of 1st Avenue.
Thursday, October 13
4:00 a.m. – Traffic closure of Hwy 182 expands eastward to E. 2nd Street & westward to W. 3rd Street. Traffic flow east of Hwy 59 will convert to one-way-only routes.
Monday, October 17
7:00 a.m. – All normal traffic flow along Hwy 182 and Hwy 59 resumes.
Tuesday, October 18
7:00 a.m. – Gulf Place re-opens to the public.
Public Beaches:
All public beaches will remain open throughout the festival.
For more information regarding detours or closures, please contact City Hall at 251-968-2425. For more information about the 44th Annual National Shrimp Festival, visit